Monday 13 March 2017

Year 11 June 2012 past paper

June 2012

Germany, 1918–39

Answer Questions 1(a) to (d), then Question 2(a) OR 2(b) and then Question 3(a) OR 3(b).

Question 1 – you must answer all parts of this question.

Study Source A.

Source A: From a history of Germany published in 2009
The Weimar Republic was set up as a democracy. This was completely different from Germany’s tradition of having one strong ruler. The Weimar Republic was seen by many German’s as being set up by the ‘November Criminals’ who had stabbed Germany in the back. So they thought the Weimar Republic needed to be destroyed and replaced by a one-party state.

(a) What can you learn from Source A about the Weimar Republic? (4)

(b) Describe the key features of the Weimar Constitution.(6)

(c) Describe the effects of the Munich Putsch. (8)

(d) Explain why Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933. (8)

Answer EITHER Question 2(a) OR 2(b).


2 (a) Explain how the Weimar Republic dealt with attacks from right-wing and left-wing groups in the years 1919-22. (8)


(b) Explain how the Nazi government dealt with the economic effects of the Great Depression in Germany in the years 1933-39. (8)

Answer EITHER Question 3(a) OR 3(b).


You may use the following in your answer.
·         Hyperinflation
·         The occupation of the Ruhr
You must also include information of your own.


3 (a) How successful was Stresemann in dealing with the problems faced by the Weimar Republic in the years 1924-29? Explain your answer. (16)


3(b) Was the use of censorship the most effective way that Hitler dealt with opposition to Nazi rule in the years 1933-39? Explain your answer.

You may use the following in your answer.
  • Censorship
  • The Night of the Long Knives
You must also include information of your own.


(Total for spelling, punctuation and grammar = 4 marks)

(Total for Question 3 = 20 marks)

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