Tuesday 18 July 2017

Year 10 History summer work

Year 10 History summer work

Henry VIII and his ministers section B on paper 2

Describe two features of the Pilgrimage of Grace (4 marks)

Describe two features of the Field of the Cloth of Gold (4 marks)

 Describe two features of England’s war with France (4 marks)

 Describe two features of the Seymour family (4 marks)

 Describe two features of John Fisher’s opposition to Henry VIII (4 marks)


Explain why Anne Boleyn fell from her position as Henry’s queen. You may use the following in your answer:

  • The succession
  • Jane Seymour

You must also use information of your own. (12 marks) 

Explain why Henry VIII decided to close down the monasteries. You may use the following in your answer:
  • Monastery land
  • Cromwell’s commissions

You must also use information of your own. (12 marks)


‘The main changes to Henry VIII’s system of government and finance in the years 1534-40 was a greater role for parliament’.

How far do you agree?  Explain your answer.

You may use the following in your answer:

  • Statue Law
  • Government departments

You must also use information of your own (16 marks)


‘Thomas Cromwell fell from power because of the actions of the Duke of Norfolk’.

How far do you agree?  Explain your answer.

You may use the following in your answer:

  • Charges of heresy
  • Anne of Cleves

You must also use information of your own (16 marks)


‘The Pilgrimage of Grace was badly led’.

How far do you agree? Explain your answer.

You may use the following in your answer:

  • Robert Aske
  • The agreement at Doncaster

You must also use information of your own (16 marks)


Cold War

Explain two consequences of the election of Alexander Dubcek as First Secretary of the Czech Communist Party in January 1968. (8 marks) 

Explain two consequences of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (8 marks)

Write a narrative account analysing the key events of the peace conferences in the years 1943-45

You may use the following in your answer:

  • The Tehran Conference 1945
  • The Potsdam Conference 1945

You must also use information of your own. (8 marks)


Write a narrative account analysing the key events of détente in the years 1970-79.

You may use the following in your answer:

  • SALT 1, 1972
  • The Helsinki Accords, 1975.

You must also use information of your own. (8 marks)


Write a narrative account analysing the key events in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the years 1989-91.

You may use the following

  • The impact of ‘New thinking’
  • The fall of the Berlin Wall

You must also use information of your own. (8 marks)

Explain two of the following ……………………………………………. (16 marks)

Explain the importance of the INF Treaty for relations between the USA and the Soviet Union. (8 marks)

Explain the importance of the Marshall Plan in the development of the Cold War.

Explain the important of NATO for the development of the Cold War. (8 marks)

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