Sunday 21 January 2018

Whitechapel Homework

Homework for KSY Yr11. Any questions - email or come and see me in my Friday afternoon drop in session.

To be completed by 6/2/2018

Click here for PDF of textbook

  1. Ensure notes on pages 168-172 are fully completed. You need to understand the difficulties facing Whitechapel police.
  2. Use pages 174-180 to complete the following question:
    What problems did the police face solving these murders?
    You must write about:
    §The media
    §Police force rivalry
    §Police techniques
    §Coroner’s report
    §Forensic techniques
    §The Vigilance committee
  3. Make notes on: The Bertillon System; The Houses of the Working Classes Act; The Public Health Amendment Act 1890.

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