Monday 13 November 2017

Cold War Revision Questions

Explain two consequences of the election of Alexander Dubcek as First Secretary of the Czech Communist Party in January 1968. (8 marks) 

Explain two consequences of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (8 marks)

Write a narrative account analysing the key events of the peace conferences in the years 1943-45

You may use the following in your answer:

  • The Tehran Conference 1945
  • The Potsdam Conference 1945

You must also use information of your own. (8 marks)


Write a narrative account analysing the key events of détente in the years 1970-79.

You may use the following in your answer:

  • SALT 1, 1972
  • The Helsinki Accords, 1975.

You must also use information of your own. (8 marks)


Write a narrative account analysing the key events in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the years 1989-91.

You may use the following

  • The impact of ‘New thinking’
  • The fall of the Berlin Wall

You must also use information of your own. (8 marks)

Write a narrative account analyzing the key events of the 'Berlin Crisis' in the years 1958-61.
You may use the following in your answer:
  • The Berlin Ultimatum, 1958
  • the construction of the Berlin Wall
You must also use information of your own. (8 marks)

Write a narrative account analyzing the key events of the Cuban Missile Crisis 1959-63.
You may use the following in your answer:
  • The Bay of Pigs
  • The Cuban Revolution
You must also use information of your own. (8 marks)

Explain two of the following ……………………………………………. (16 marks)

Explain the importance of the INF Treaty for relations between the USA and the Soviet Union. (8 marks)

Explain the importance of the Marshall Plan in the development of the Cold War.

Explain the important of NATO for the development of the Cold War. (8 marks)

Saturday 23 September 2017

Crime and Punishment Quizlet

Crime and Punishment Quizlet

These are the key words you need to learn to succeed at GCSE History!

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Year 10 History summer work

Year 10 History summer work

Henry VIII and his ministers section B on paper 2

Describe two features of the Pilgrimage of Grace (4 marks)

Describe two features of the Field of the Cloth of Gold (4 marks)

 Describe two features of England’s war with France (4 marks)

 Describe two features of the Seymour family (4 marks)

 Describe two features of John Fisher’s opposition to Henry VIII (4 marks)


Explain why Anne Boleyn fell from her position as Henry’s queen. You may use the following in your answer:

  • The succession
  • Jane Seymour

You must also use information of your own. (12 marks) 

Explain why Henry VIII decided to close down the monasteries. You may use the following in your answer:
  • Monastery land
  • Cromwell’s commissions

You must also use information of your own. (12 marks)


‘The main changes to Henry VIII’s system of government and finance in the years 1534-40 was a greater role for parliament’.

How far do you agree?  Explain your answer.

You may use the following in your answer:

  • Statue Law
  • Government departments

You must also use information of your own (16 marks)


‘Thomas Cromwell fell from power because of the actions of the Duke of Norfolk’.

How far do you agree?  Explain your answer.

You may use the following in your answer:

  • Charges of heresy
  • Anne of Cleves

You must also use information of your own (16 marks)


‘The Pilgrimage of Grace was badly led’.

How far do you agree? Explain your answer.

You may use the following in your answer:

  • Robert Aske
  • The agreement at Doncaster

You must also use information of your own (16 marks)


Cold War

Explain two consequences of the election of Alexander Dubcek as First Secretary of the Czech Communist Party in January 1968. (8 marks) 

Explain two consequences of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (8 marks)

Write a narrative account analysing the key events of the peace conferences in the years 1943-45

You may use the following in your answer:

  • The Tehran Conference 1945
  • The Potsdam Conference 1945

You must also use information of your own. (8 marks)


Write a narrative account analysing the key events of détente in the years 1970-79.

You may use the following in your answer:

  • SALT 1, 1972
  • The Helsinki Accords, 1975.

You must also use information of your own. (8 marks)


Write a narrative account analysing the key events in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the years 1989-91.

You may use the following

  • The impact of ‘New thinking’
  • The fall of the Berlin Wall

You must also use information of your own. (8 marks)

Explain two of the following ……………………………………………. (16 marks)

Explain the importance of the INF Treaty for relations between the USA and the Soviet Union. (8 marks)

Explain the importance of the Marshall Plan in the development of the Cold War.

Explain the important of NATO for the development of the Cold War. (8 marks)

Thursday 18 May 2017

Henry VIII Glossary and definitions

Year 10 History.

Henry VIII glossary and definitions.

Image result for henry viii

Click link to access:

You will be tested on these words throughout the topic.
Your teacher will tell you which words you should be revising.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Year 10 Cue Card 2 COLD WAR

Cue Card topic
What to include on card
Key word Definition
Arms Race
Consequence/ Impact/ Result
Berlin wall causes
·         Khrushchev’s Ultimatum
·         Refugee crisis
Berlin wall events
·         Geneva Summit
·         Eisenhower and camp David
·         Paris Summit
·         The Vienna Conference
Berlin wall consequence
·         Kennedy prepares for war
·         Building of the wall
·         Impact of the wall being built
Cuban Missile causes
·         Development of arms race
·         Cuban revolution
·         Bay of pigs and missile bases
Cuban missile events
1.       Summarise key events of the 13 days of 1962
Cuban missile consequences
Short term causes:
1: Hotline (communication link)
2: Limited Test ban Treaty
Long term causes:
·         French leave Nato
·         Mutually assured Destruction (MAD)
Czechoslovakia causes
Details of the Prague Spring
What were the reforms?
Why is it different to Hungary
Czechoslovakia Events
What was Brezhnev’s dilemma?
What is the Brezhnev Doctrine?
Details of the Soviet invasion.
Czechoslovakia consequences
1: Americas response to the crisis
2: Western European response
3: Eastern European response

Monday 13 March 2017

Year 11 June 2012 past paper

June 2012

Germany, 1918–39

Answer Questions 1(a) to (d), then Question 2(a) OR 2(b) and then Question 3(a) OR 3(b).

Question 1 – you must answer all parts of this question.

Study Source A.

Source A: From a history of Germany published in 2009
The Weimar Republic was set up as a democracy. This was completely different from Germany’s tradition of having one strong ruler. The Weimar Republic was seen by many German’s as being set up by the ‘November Criminals’ who had stabbed Germany in the back. So they thought the Weimar Republic needed to be destroyed and replaced by a one-party state.

(a) What can you learn from Source A about the Weimar Republic? (4)

(b) Describe the key features of the Weimar Constitution.(6)

(c) Describe the effects of the Munich Putsch. (8)

(d) Explain why Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933. (8)

Answer EITHER Question 2(a) OR 2(b).


2 (a) Explain how the Weimar Republic dealt with attacks from right-wing and left-wing groups in the years 1919-22. (8)


(b) Explain how the Nazi government dealt with the economic effects of the Great Depression in Germany in the years 1933-39. (8)

Answer EITHER Question 3(a) OR 3(b).


You may use the following in your answer.
·         Hyperinflation
·         The occupation of the Ruhr
You must also include information of your own.


3 (a) How successful was Stresemann in dealing with the problems faced by the Weimar Republic in the years 1924-29? Explain your answer. (16)


3(b) Was the use of censorship the most effective way that Hitler dealt with opposition to Nazi rule in the years 1933-39? Explain your answer.

You may use the following in your answer.
  • Censorship
  • The Night of the Long Knives
You must also include information of your own.


(Total for spelling, punctuation and grammar = 4 marks)

(Total for Question 3 = 20 marks)

Escaping the workhouse :wider reading

Wider reading on reforms for children during the 1800s.

BBC article can be found at this link.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Year 11 History homework Cue Card Topic 2

Cue Card topic
What to include on card
Key word Definition
Arms Race
Consequence/ Impact/ Result
Berlin wall causes
·         Khrushchev’s Ultimatum
·         Refugee crisis
Berlin wall events
·         Geneva Summit
·         Eisenhower and camp David
·         Paris Summit
·         The Vienna Conference
Berlin wall consequence
·         Kennedy prepares for war
·         Building of the wall
·         Impact of the wall being built
Cuban Missile causes
·         Development of arms race
·         Cuban revolution
·         Bay of pigs and missile bases
Cuban missile events
1.       Summarise key events of the 13 days of 1962
Cuban missile consequences
Short term causes:
1: Hotline (communication link)
2: Limited Test ban Treaty
Long term causes:
·         French leave Nato
·         Mutually assured Destruction (MAD)
Czechoslovakia causes
Details of the Prague Spring
What were the reforms?
Why is it different to Hungary
Czechoslovakia Events
What was Brezhnev’s dilemma?
What is the Brezhnev Doctrine?
Details of the Soviet invasion.
Czechoslovakia consequences
1: Americas response to the crisis
2: Western European response
3: Eastern European response

Year 10 History Homework. Cue Cards Topic 3

Cue card topic
What to include on the card
Key word definition
1.     Détente
2.    Revolution
3.    Boycott
4.    Perestroika
5.    Glasnost
Period of Détente (5 key improvements)
1.     The 1967 Outer Space Treaty
2.    The 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
3.    The SALT 1 Treaty 1972 (The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty)
4.    The Apollo-Soyuz Mission 1975
5.    The Helsinki Agreements 1975
For each point give detail of what it is and how it affected relations.

For example – Helsinki Agreements (include information about security, co-operation and Human Right), then say how this improved relations.
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 1979
Causes: Kabul Revolution April 1978
·         Link in key names and change of Afghan leadership.
Event: The Soviet invasion December 1979
·         Why did the Soviets invade?
·         How did they think the US would react?
Results: The Carter Doctrine 1980
·         Show the links to the Truman doctrine.
·         Key features of the Doctrine
End of Détente
1.     The end of SALT 2 ( negotiations started to follow on form SALT 1, but the end of détente means it is not signed)
2.    Increased defence spending
3.    The Olympic boycotts (Moscow 1980 and LA 1984)
President Reagan and S.D.I (Strategic Defence Initiative)
·         Who was President Reagan and what was his attitude towards communism?
·         Details of ‘Evil Empire’ speech
S.D.I: Strategic Defence Initiative
·         What was it?
·         What problems did it cause? (The Soviet response)
·         How does it change the space race into an arms race?
Gorbachev and communism
·         Gorbachev’s relationship with the West
·         Chernobyl 1986
·         Gorbachev’s ‘New thinking’

Positions of Super Powers in 1986
·         Strengths
·         Weaknesses
·         Strengths
·         Weaknesses
INF Treaty 1987
·         Meetings between Reagan and Gorbachev at Geneva and Reykjavik
·         How does Reagan’s attitude towards Gorbachev change?
·         What were the details of the INF
·         Why does Gorbachev sign it?
·         How does it change relations?
Summit conferences after Reagan 1988
1.     The Malta Summit 1989
2.    The CFE Agreement 1990
3.    START 1, 1991
The end of the Cold War
·         Break-up of the Eastern Bloc
·         Fall of the Berlin Wall
·         End of the Warsaw Pact
·         Fall of the Soviet Union